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Vision & Purpose

All things Vision

Does your vision truly inspire? Is your strategy on target and fit for purpose? Does it need refreshing? tfp can help you create purposeful, focussed long-term goals, engage your team and create and motivate intentional movement.

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When your purpose is to create a long-term strategic vision we can help:

  • Is your current ambition falling short? 
  • Do you need a clearer sense of what you’re trying to achieve together for the next 2-5 years?
  • Is your team lacking long-term focus and regularly getting knocked off-track?
  • Perhaps the context and landscape has changed and a new strategy is needed?

We’re here to help you find clarity and a shared, inspiring and grounded purpose that’s owned by everyone. 

The outcome is a focussed function or team who is committed to the delivery of your strategic vision.

Let's talk vision
60% of organisations with clear and well-communicated vision are more likely to innovate effectively. Deloitte
64% of investors and customers consider a clear strategic vision as one of the top factors influencing trust in a company. Endelman Trust Barometer
59% Project success rate within organisations with a clear strategy. Compared to 22% without a strategy. PMI
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TFP Facilitation

Sit back and engage fully in your own meeting.  We research, design, prepare and then lead your event, offering the human touch while working visually too. Whether it’s in the room, online or a hybrid meeting, we work creatively with large and small groups to lead the conversations to build clear answers and achieve a successful outcome every time.

Find out more about TFP Facilitation
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TFP Momentum©

We work with clients over a longer period in order to deliver large transformational change initiatives and help your leadership team gather momentum towards their goals.  By remaining external and neutral we can do the heavy lifting for your team and use facilitation to make light of the work that's needed.

Find out more about TFP Momentum©
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Meeting in a Box

Meeting in a Box is a product designed by us, specifically for your meeting, based on our principles and methodologies.  It provides everything you need to run your own meeting including summary charts, templates, pens, post-its and more.

Know more about TFP's Meeting in a Box

Just some of the clients who regularly come back to work with us

L Oreal
Royal Canin
Charity Commission
Beyond Meat
Griffith Foods
AB World Foods

“I would like to share a word of massive appreciation for your leadership, support and all the preparation that enabled us to have a great strategy meeting, to define and shape our next chapter! I am very excited and count you with me to make all of this happen in the best way we can. I am very confident that we are doing something really meaningful and special here.” Regional Vice President of Sales.

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How else can TFP help you transform and develop

Strategy & Planning

All things

Team Development

All things

Leading Culture

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